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Detecto 6400 - 6500 - 6600 and BRW1000 Portable Wheelchair Scales, 1000 lb x 0.2 lb Deteco
With built-in ramps for entering and exiting the scale, Detecto's portable bariatric scales is perfect for any wheelchair application.

Detecto 6400 Portable Wheelchair Scale
6400 and 6600
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Detecto 6500 Portable Wheelchair Scale
6500 and BRW1000
DETECTO's low-profile portable wheelchair scale line offers you four different models to choose from based on whether you need to weigh patients in regular size or bariatric wheelchairs and whether you need basic weighing functions or more complex patient measurement operations.

The platform is only 2.2 in / 5.6 cm high for easy patient accessibility and comfort while weighing either standing or in a wheelchair. With a high 1,000 lb / 450 kg capacity, the scales are capable of measuring patients of virtually any weight possible.

For single-pass weighing to save time, choose the models 6500 or BRW1000 which utilize the MedVue indicator. You can enjoy the time saving benefits of these scales by using the convenient pushbutton or keypad tare which allows you to remove the wheelchair weight all in one pass.

  • Two-way ramps for accessibility from both sides
  • Flexible cable remote display extends up to 14 ft / 4.2 m from scale to indicator
  • Quick and easy mobility for transport or vertical storage
  • Optional Wi-Fi connectivity for EMR/EHR (models 6500 and BRW1000)
  • Battery power for easy mobility (or use with optional AC adapter)
  • Black rubber mat included on the scale platform and ramp for superior traction

Since the display is connected to the scale by a long coiled cable that extends up to 14 ft / 4.2 m, it can be positioned where the healthcare professional can most easily read the results.

By using the versatile mounting bracket that comes with each scale, you may permanently mount the indicator on a wall for long-term static use or set it on a tabletop or desk for more mobile type weighing.

Detecto Portable Wheelchair Scales

Price From: $2490.39

Detecto P-150 Mobile Tape Printer With Serial Interface
Detecto P-150 Mobile Tape Printer With Serial Interface, add $998.44

For 6400/6600 Only (750)
Detecto 6800-1045 AC Adapter For Detecto Health Care Scales
Detecto 6800-1045 AC Adapter For Detecto Health Care Scales, add $79.18

For 6500/BRW1000 Only (MedVu)
Detecto MV1PWR AC Adapter for Detecto MV1
Detecto MV1PWR AC Adapter for Detecto MV1 , add $79.91
Detecto WinDDE Dynamic Data Exchange
Detecto WinDDE Dynamic Data Exchange , add $691.22

  • Models 6500/BRW1000 - The MedVue® multifunctional indicator with alphanumeric keypad and RS232 and USB ports (optional Wi-Fi and Welch Allyn connectivity) displays Height, Weight, and Body Mass Index onscreen simultaneously. Capable of 14-digital alphanumeric patient ID entries and 99 stored wheelchair tare weights. Displays in four languages (English, Spanish, French, and German).
  • Models 6400/6600 - Model 750 indicator with easy to-use, basic weighing functions. BMI calculation, RS232 serial port, and big bold LCD digits
  • The MedVue's® ballmount swivel bracket for the back of the indicator allows wall-mount or mobile tabletop weighing with adjustable viewing.
  • The 750 mounting bracket snaps onto the back of the indicator for wall-mount or mobile tabletop weighing.
Model 6400 6500 6600 BRW1000
Price Detecto 6400 Portable Whe
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Detecto 6600 Portable Whe
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Capacity x Readability 1000 lb x 0.2 lb 1000 lb x 0.2 lb 1000 lb x 0.2 lb 1000 lb x 0.2 lb
450 kg x 0.1 kg 450 kg x 0.1 kg 450 kg x 0.1 kg 450 kg x 0.1 kg
Platform Size 32 in x 36 in x 2.2 in 32 in x 40 in x 2.2 in
81 cm x 91 cm x 5.6 cm 81 cm x 101 cm x 5.6 cm
Ramp Size 36 in W x 7.9 in L each 40 in W x 7.9 in L each
91 cm W x 20.2 cm L each 101 cm W x 20.2 cm L each
Cable Length 6 ft / 1.8 m coiled cable, 14 ft / 4.2 m fully extended (from scale to indicator)
Power Optional model 6800-1045 AC adapter or 6 AA batteries (not included Optional model MV1PWR AC adapter or 6 C batteries (not included) Optional model 6800-1045 AC adapter or 6 AA batteries (not included) Optional model MV1PWR AC adapter or 6 C batteries (not included)
Indicator Model 750 MedVue® Model MV1 Model 750 MedVue® Model MV1
Indicator Dimensions 6.1 in W x 6.8 in H x 1.8 in D
15.5 cm W x 17.2 cm H x 4.6 cm D
9.8 in W x 6.8 in H x 1.8 in D
24.9 cm W x 17.2 cm H x 4.6 cm D
6.1 in W x 6.8 in H x 1.8 in D
15.5 cm W x 17.2 cm H x 4.6 cm D
9.8 in W x 6.8 in H x 1.8 in D
24.9 cm W x 17.2 cm H x 4.6 cm D
LCD Digits 0.7 in / 19 mm high LCD, 6 digit, 7 segment 0.9 in / 22 mm high LCD, 5 digit, 7 segment 0.7 in / 19 mm high LCD, 6 digit, 7 segment 0.9 in / 22 mm high LCD, 5 digit, 7 segment
Connectivity RS232 serial RS232 serial, USB and optional wired and Wi-Fi Ethernet RS232 serial RS232 serial, USB and optional wired and Wi-Fi Ethernet
Operating Temperature 14 to 104 ºF / -10 to +40 ºC
Net Weight 92 lb / 42 kg 117 lb / 53 kg
Shipping Weight 102 lb / 46 kg 127 lb / 58 kg
Guide Handles 2 included
Transport Wheels 2 included
Country of Origin USA
UPC Code 809161302400 809161139204 809161302509 809161139303

Detecto MV1 MedVue Medical Weight Analyzer Indicator

Detecto MV1 Med Vue Medical Weight Analyzer Indicator Detecto's MedVue® medical weight analyzer is utilized on select clinical scales. The MedVue® features a striking blue 3.5-in-wide by 3-in-high backlit LCD display screen with nearly 1-in-high weight digit readouts for easy visibility. The MedVue?s 350-degree swivel mounting bracket allows the display to be tilted and rotated into position wherever it is the most convenient for the medical professional and/or patient to view. A host of other benefits include 14-digit patient ID which may be entered via the alphanumeric keypad, 99 stored tare weights, 200 stored transactions, 1LOOK display, and four different languages available in set-up (English, Spanish, French, and German). The MedVue® offers a host of both wired and optional wireless connectivity for sending measurement data to

Versatile Connectivity - DETECTO's MedVue medical weight analyzer offers a host of different options, both wired and optional wireless, for DETECTO scales to connect with multiple devices for efficient EMR/EHR. Connect with:

  • Printers
  • PCs
  • Networks
  • Tablets
  • Bar Code Scanners
  • Even Mobile Phones

BENEFITS OF WI-FI CONNECTIVITY - DETECTOs MedVue offers optional Wi-Fi connectivity with up to 20 ft. range (varies depending upon environmental conditions). Wi-Fi offers a number of benefits over Bluetooth, including greater range and security.

Almost every MedVue port may be used simultaneously (with the exception of Ethernet and Wi-Fi connections). For instance, a printer could be connected to the serial port, PC connected to the USB port, while a tablet is connected via Wi-Fi all at the same time. DETECTOs model P50 printer offers plug-and-play compatibility with the MedVue

350-Degree Swivel Mounting Bracket - Enjoy freedom of movement wherever you need to position the display with the MedVues 350-degree tilt-and-swivel mounting bracket.

EASY SET-UP NAVIGATION - DETECTOs MedVue indicator features a tiered menu system with up/down navigation controls to quickly update any settings you wish to change, such as converting to kilograms-only weighing or lowering the backlight intensity to make the batteries last longer

MULTIPLE LANGUAGE SETTINGS - DETECTOs MedVue features user-prompting in four different languages:

  • English
  • Spanish
  • French
  • German

  • 14-Digit Patient ID
  • 350-Degree Swivel Mounting Bracket
  • 6 AA Batteries (not included)
  • 99 Stored Tare Weights
  • BMI Calculation
  • EMR/EHR Ready
  • Nearly 1-in-High Weight Readouts
  • NTEP Legal for Trade
  • RS232 Serial and USB Ports Standard
  • Sturdy Steel Construction
  • Wi-Fi and Ethernet Optional
For Phone Orders, call toll-free 888-337-4684 (Monday - Friday 9 am - 6 pm E.S.T)
All other inquiries, please phone 718-339-6212
FAX 718-336-5570

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