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Price: $999.00

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Addressing the latest trend in fitness and recreation, revolutionary Sea Jogger, allows the user to exercise and relax at the same time. This unique and easy to use personal water propulsion system provides no-impact exercise by converting the destructive energy of impact into exercise. Sea Jogger is totally portable and lightweight, easy to assemble and disassemble.
  • Features

Addressing the latest trend in fitness and recreation, revolutionary Sea Jogger, allows the user to exercise and relax at the same time. This unique and easy to use personal water propulsion system provides no-impact exercise by converting the destructive energy of impact into exercise. Sea Jogger is totally portable and lightweight, easy to assemble and disassemble. Sea Jogger utilizes a unique, quiet and effective fin propulsion system, which allows you to glide effortlessly on water. .

The most unique and easy to use personal water propulsion system available. Walk on water, jog, fish, tan, exercise or simply relax. No more sore knees or backs. Say goodbye to bailing and wet, soggy backsides. You can use Sea Jogger fully clothed. Sea Jogger is so stable, theres no need to take off your shoes or get wet!

Not only is Sea Jogger safe and comfortable, it will provide you with a great workout by increasing your physical effort and speed of step. Sea Jogger provides both aerobic and anaerobic NO-IMPACT exercise by converting impact into exercise. Whether you want to exercise or just relax, Seajoggeris a great way to leisurely explore the great outdoors.

Sea Jogger is totally portable and lightweight, making it easy to carry. It is easy to assemble and disassemble and inflate . Sea Jogger is very quiet and non-polluting, and is completely recyclable. Made of the highest quality aluminum, stainless steel and high tech polymers, Sea Jogger utilizes a unique patented fin propulsion system. With its design inspired by the mechanics of the fins of a whale, Sea Joggers fins allow you to glide effortlessly on the water.

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